We are proud to provide you with information about our Lompoc Valley community. Quietly nestled between the ocean & Santa Barbara, Lompoc represents the essence of California — the art & culture of a big city & the heart & hospitality of a small, coastal town. Much like the glorious murals that grace its landscape, Lompoc is rooted in the past - its early heritage is embodied by the captivating historic commercial storefronts along the streets of Olde Towne Lompoc.
Lompoc prides itself by working as a partner and supporter of businesses of all sizes to help them achieve greater success. The community’s goals are clear: to remain financially secure, to create jobs, and to improve the quality of life for all who live and work here by promoting a healthy balance of safe neighborhoods, parks, community facilities and strong commercial and industrial areas. We invite you to spend some time in Lompoc. Whether in person or via our web page, we’re happy to have you. Lompoc is truly a magnificent place to live or visit!

Mr. Jordan,
Congrats to you and The Lompoc Vision Staff for 20 years of exemplary service to the Lompoc Community! I have been an avid reader of the Lompoc Vision for the past 19 years! The Vision keeps me informed on local community events. I am never disappointed with the contents. I always find a new eatery, some insightful medical commentary or a new event to visit! Here’s to many more years to come! Bravo! -Charlie J.
Dear Mr. Jordan, I recently discovered the Lompoc Vision while I was in Lompoc purchasing a car and enjoying dinner at a local restaurant. What an informative local publication! It really gave me a feel for your local community and I plan to spend more time in the Lompoc area. Thank you for everything that you do! - A.J.
WOW…WOW….AND MORE WOW!!! Thank you SO MUCH Lompoc Vision for the excellent coverage you give us in this monthly fabulous Lompoc Vision. We are especially impressed with how you combined several articles on Page 6 and titled it “Life In The Vandenberg Lions Den.” And giving our scholarship winners their due recognition on Page 5 is really special.
Thank you again for all you do to remind us that we are truly living in a little bit of Heaven here on the Central Coast. – K.C.
I was just at the hospital for a procedure and picked up the Lompoc Vision… WOW! I love this newspaper! I’m am a new teacher and read the articles with intregue. (I’m re-reading several articles and planning to share). I will pick The Lompoc Vision up monthly!” -M.G.
Thank you Mr. Jordan, for consistently, purposefully, faithfully working to raise the vision of Lompoc! Congratulations to you and your staff on 20 years of service to the community!
“Thank You for publicizing the good news regarding the Lompoc Valley area! I’d like to be able to offer your Lompoc Vision to all our newcommers at Vandenberg and have available for pick-up here at the Airman & Family Readiness Center throughout the month. -Airman and Family Readiness Center at Vandenberg Space Force Base.
The Lompoc Vision is a local community newspaper, which promotes “Good News You Can Use.” the Lompoc Vision transcends cultural and political barriers as its readers have diverse interests and backgrounds. The publication spotlights the achievements of and gives prominence to local talent in educational, cultural, artistic, and business endeavors; promoting the positive aspects of community life. –The City Of Lompoc
This is nice, for us that still call Lompoc home or part of there lives but don’t get to visit. I was born and raised there moved a few times but moved away for good when I was 20. Got to visit a few times. It will always be home.
- H.P. 2020
This message is for Mr. Jordan. As a member of a Lompoc pioneer family I enjoy your publication focusing on the Lompoc Valley and it’s neighborhoods. I especially enjoy reading about the historical past and the people and families that settled and developed Lompoc. My mother, Shirley McCabe Phelps was a long time member of the Lompoc Historical Society and was an important member in developing the Spannie House and the displays of Lompoc past. It is important for the nurturing of a “sense of place” for people to learn and connect with the people of past generations. The early settlers, the farmers, merchants and miners that developed the town. Life in the Depression, WW II and Camp Cook. The immense change to the valley when Vandenberg AFB was constructed out on the mesa north of town, brought new life and direction to the people of the once compact farming community. The 60’s & 70’s were a time of growth and expansion and brought many changes to our community. I would ask that you include more articles that trace the history of the wonderful community of Lompoc.
Visit our Parent Company, Vision Media Services at:
“The Lompoc Vision is a monthly publication that validates the positive activities and events permeating the Lompoc Valley.” Our goal is to inform, educate and validate these activities & events. We reflect the good stuff, no politics & no negative news. Just think, finally… “Media on a positive only note!”
Serving the Lompoc, Mission Hills, Vandenberg Village, and Vandenberg Air Force Base communities since 2003
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